SVT Provides Secure Prisoner Transport and Secure Prisoner Extradition Services for Law Enforcement and Government Agencies, Including Intra-State and Inter-State Transfers.
- Our Transport – Extradition Service is a 24 hour, 365 day a year service providing the safe, secure, reliable, courteous and efficient transportation of prisoners for law enforcement and government agencies.
- We provide highly trained, professional, courteous and respectful Transport Officers capable of handling these duties from low risk to maximum security.
- Armed Officers are available as your needs may dictate.
- Our transport vehicles are purchased brand new from the factory and are fully outfitted and equipped to provide the Transport – Extradition service you require.
- All of our transport operations are monitored via Real-Time GPS Tracking and In-Vehicle Camera Systems.
- SVT provides Intra-State and Inter-State transfer service to meet your prisoner transportation needs including alternate transportation methods via commercial / private air, water, rail or bus.